European Observations
It is difficult to imagine that I am actually over here for a while! I still feel like I'm on vacation - I'm sure that will change with time but I am enjoying it here for sure! Here are some 'reminders' that I have been going over as I go about my daily life here in Europe. 1. Signs for restrooms?....Very American - look for 'WC' or 'Toilet' here. By the way - I knew that WC stood for water closet but always thought it was old fashioned. Not so much - the bathroom in many houses are literally that - the toilet is in its own room or closet - generally separate from the sink, shower etc. 2. Metric everything! I remember starting to learn this system in school, back in the day, remind me why America never converted? Yes...I have new bookmarks and apps on my devices so I can convert. 3. Dollars - another app I downloaded to convert. Euro is popular of course...but Hungary uses their own currency (Forint), Poland uses their own...