Heal well...
Healing from pain – how do we do it? Physical pain needs healing and we may take herbs or medicine or exercise or…a variety of ways for healing – some short term and some long term. But what about ‘heart pain’? That is what has been on my mind for a while now. We said goodbye to my Mom two months ago today, and I was at a memorial service for my nephew (cousin’s son) this past Friday night….he passed away very suddenly and was only 21 years old. So that is deep heart pain…that kind of pain can actually feel like physical pain – it hurts! It is numbing really…shocking…I’m not even a parent and I can’t begin to imagine the pain. So how do you heal? How do I heal? Perhaps to ask it more appropriately and could be part of the answer is “How do WE heal”? I have not been in California all week but I’ll tell you what – what I have seen from afar is that this family has had an impact on their world. They have literally 100’s of p...