
Showing posts from April, 2019

A 'normal' day in the life...

Some people ask what a ‘normal’ day looks like for me.     Not sure I know how to answer because the last 3…no, almost 4, months have flown by me- crazy!     I’m not quite sure if I know who/what/when/where – but I DO KNOW that life is good, and God is waaay better. So – today – woke up really early because Dude decided he was hungry at like 4:00 in the morning and he sounds like a baby dinosaur when he’s in my room and cannot get out (door was closed due to guests being in the house).  So, I fell back to sleep on the sofa after he settled down.  Not so bad…got up eventually (not a morning person) – checked emails, breakfast, read etc…9:30 SKYPE.  That’s a big part of my life over here…SKYPE.  We live and work all across Central Europe so our main communication is via technology….a beautiful thing J .  That SKYPE created a few things that had to get done administratively so I took care of those and then left to ...