WOW and bad public transportation day...
Well this week has flown by! Sitting here on the train from Krakow to Poznan and realized it has been a week since I've done a post on my blog. I love that! The busy part that is.... Easter was amazing - Budapest with Bob, Colleen and Josh. Good Friday - nice tenebrae service and then Saturday Bob and Colleen hosted a big 'ol bar-b-que which was fun to be a part of...good food for sure! Sunday started out right with an absolutely beautiful sunrise service on a hill overlooking Budapest. Later in the morning was a service and brunch - nice. That late afternoon several (including all four of us) were invited over to a Hungarian family's home. They are actually Bob and Colleen's landlords and the reason they rent out their house was due to a bad anurysm and accident that the Dad had. It has debilitated him for life but all the doctors and rehabilitation people are amazed that he can even walk and function on his own. Isn't that cool?...