Easter Week

Palm Sunday...I love today and the whole coming week.  It started off last night as I went to a play at the Citadel Park here in Poznan of the 'Passion of Christ'.  It was amazing - the actors performed in a HUGE area of the park so I enjoyed it - to see a pretty long procession of people with palms all the way to the road to Golgotha and the cross.  The sounds were very loud (good sound system) so each crack of the whip and hammering of the nail really made me flinch.  I thought it was done pretty well and made me stop and think for sure. Today I saw a parade of people on the street in Poznan - it seemed to be a Palm Sunday procession - and it sounded like people were reciting various Catholoc prayers.  I didn't understand what they were saying but it was interesting to watch and listen for a while.

I must admit; my church in Sacramento (Fremont Presbyterian) does Easter very well.  I will miss that this year but I have loved taking part in the past.  Today starts it all with Palm Sunday - then Tuesday they will have a demonstration of the Jewish Passover meal and traditions.  Thursday is the Last Supper (Maundy Thursday) which is amazing to take part in and Friday's Tenebrae service is very moving...leaving in mourning for Christ's death.  But the entire church is transformed for Sunday and Easter is absolutely beautiful and very 'victorious'!  Awesome to say the least.

Yesterday we had kids come to the craft and food event...that was pretty fun!  Not a lot of kids but we made our paper beads and empty tombs and the kids were amazing.  Everything turned out looking good so that was great fun.

Enjoy your Easter week...I certainly will!  I will miss going to my sister's and/or parent's house (or some coming to Sacramento) but instead I get to spend it at my brother's house!  I will definitely enjoy that :).

Life is good...God is waaaay better - much love to you all!


  1. So happy to hear you're getting the chance to enjoy Easter in an entirely different way. I hope your whole week continues so wonderfully!


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