Thank you
Yes, I understand that this time of year everybody seems to say that they are thankful. I am. Truly, I am thankful.
For life, a warm (or cool) house to live in, friends that care, family that bugs me (!)and at the same time are very good to me and the ability and freedom I even have to write this.
Thank you to those in my life, past, present, little, lots…thank you! You are treasures.
When I was 20 I was diagnosed with ankylosis spondylitis. Sounds crazy right? It’s arthritis…specifically tied to the HLA-B27 gene. Of which, my Dad also has. 6-8% of the population has this…I’m lucky like that. It has taught me a lot actually. Pain management, empathy for others who move slowly or painfully and a reliance on God. He walks with me in this, definitely thankful for that.
So when I was 20…I remember saying ‘if I feel like this now, what will I feel like in my 50’s?!!’ Apparently in my mind, arthritis was a thing all 50 year olds had….who knew?!
Now I’m in my 50’s…and through amazing new medicines etc, I do pretty well. Until I don’t….and then it frustrates me all over. So the past several months it has been a struggle…frustrating. And now I’m one week away from a knee replacement, so I have my answer. If I had new pain in my 20’s…my 50’s are bringing new body parts!! Pain will come with that as well but I’m told it’s relatively short term. Listen, I’ll take short term compared to 30 some years :).
Anyway, more things to be thankful for—smart doctors, people who care, insurance, meal trains, helpful friends and family. It’s all good.
So—have a great Thanksgiving…to all my family and friends—near and far. It’s an American holiday, but thankfulness spreads worldwide.
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