Köszönöm szépen (thank you very much) Hungary!
Hungary is commemorating the 60 th anniversary of their 1956 revolution. Amazing video footage on this event at ( BBC - 1956 Magyar revolution )…students started the uprising with a demonstration – many joined and moved to the state radio station where some were allowed in but never returned. The people outside became restless; shots were fired by the secret police and – game on – REVOLUTION. It was amazing – many joined the freedom fighters. One of the facts that struck me is that they literally cut out the hammer/sickle (Russian/communist insignia) from their flag and were flying a new flag all over the country. Russian tanks and troops actually left the country. 10 days later – they came back in force – and took back control of the country…for 33 more years Hungarians lived under communist rule. That’s history – that is ache, hurt, so much hidden activity, and I have several friends that lived through it – they had and still hav...