Köszönöm szépen (thank you very much) Hungary!

Hungary is commemorating the 60th anniversary of their 1956 revolution.  Amazing video footage on this event at (BBC - 1956 Magyar revolution)…students started the uprising with a demonstration – many joined and moved to the state radio station where some were allowed in but never returned.  The people outside became restless; shots were fired by the secret police and – game on – REVOLUTION.  It was amazing – many joined the freedom fighters.  One of the facts that struck me is that they literally cut out the hammer/sickle (Russian/communist insignia) from their flag and were flying a new flag all over the country.  Russian tanks and troops actually left the country.  10 days later – they came back in force – and took back control of the country…for 33 more years Hungarians lived under communist rule. 

That’s history – that is ache, hurt, so much hidden activity, and I have several friends that lived through it – they had and still have hope.  See….life is good but God is way better.  In this case – life can really only be good because God is way better.  Know what I mean?  There is a lot of hurt, ache and hidden activity in our world today…. different than 1956 but they are all present nonetheless.

So – that’s a tough topic to start a blog with – and if you aren’t into history – may not even be interesting.  I enjoy history – especially as it tells a story of people’s culture and why/when/where they do the things they do.  History runs deep…families pass stories and history through the generations... what do we pass from generation to generation?  We do it in more than just our families…we do it at work, at play etc.  Think of it…we spend a lot of time with our co-workers…what kind of history are we creating, sharing and passing on to our co-workers and future co-workers?  

I was born in a country that has history to be sure – I grew up in a free home, state, country and my family passed good history onto me  - I love it all.  I now live in a country that has freedom but has scars so deep  from history that was not free; it is beyond my comprehension really.  I do know this, I respect their history, they are a kind and accepting people to me as a foreigner and for that I will be forever grateful to the people and country of Hungary.


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