Showers and asking...
Showers...such a simple pleasure. But go a while without one and boy howdy! I let the water wash over me and said 'sweet Georgia brown'---yes, I really did:). Thank The Lord for whoever invented them. Not too common in the villages of Western Ethiopia:)
Having said that---I was torn in leaving Masha. Such a good time with people but Addis does have a few more amenities readily available!
Leaving---some people ask for things as we are leaving-not a lot but some. would be so easy to give 1,800 birr (approx $100) and they would do what they want and we would just leave. But that has proven to not help---in fact---it hurts! Thankfully the church is very 'complete' here and they care for the mind, body and spirit. So various funds (medical, educational, small business) funds have been set up and people can go through those avenues to receive assistance. In fact, if there is family etc that SHOULD be caring for that person...they will be approached to assist by appropriate folks.
It's a fine line---so I found inviting people to a macchiotto or soda or a meal is very acceptable and the cost is minimal (6 of us had a full meal the other night for 200 birr--$10.75). WOW...right?
So it goes, I trust when I return I can give much---appropriately--but much. That is what my heart enjoys...!
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