What am I doing?!...and where am I going?!

One month left until I am done at Pacific Coast Supply!  Crazy to think that I've been there for 27 years and a month from now - just gone!  Excited? - definitely!  A little nervous? - defintely!  But ready for this next part of my life - definitely!
So my official last month at work was great but I did end up in tears when I bought a paper.  It was 'Shriner Hospital' Day for our local paper so there were people selling the Sacramento Bee at various intersections around town.  Wait...backup.  I went to get gas (at Arco of course) and put in my first bill...no problem; the machine took it.  Second bill - rejected it like 3 times - yes, of course I kept trying.  Finally gave in and just got what gas I could with the first bill.  See where this is going?....yes!  Then I drove through an intersection that was selling those Shriner papers and I was able to buy one since I had some cash!
I am a Shriner kid...was in the Shriner hospital (Portland) for surgery on my hands waaaayyyy back in the day.  I really don't remember it but my older sister Susan was in there at the same time (and I believe more times than I) and I remeber the nurses taking us to get ice cream together :).  Crazy memory but there I was buying the paper and just burst into tears!  I guess it was just a snapshot of my life and all that has appened, where I've been, where I've come and even more importantly where I have yet to go!
Several amazing people in my life have asked where that may be...where am I going?  It looks like the housing arrangements in Maasha, Ethiopia are not in place for me to return there in November.  So - having said that and of course my last day at Pacific Coast Supply being November 1st...what to do?  I have a great team of people that have been working with me on my next steps - how/when/where/why etc and so we are working on some options.  Better to be in the mission field gaining experience than staying stateside and not following my heart - right?  YES!
So that means some decisions - I do have a couple places I could be by mid-November that are not Ethiopia.   Very exciting work going on around the world and I'm excited to be considered to possibly be a part of it - yes, it would be on a volunteer basis so I will need to raise support.  How long?...not sure, thinking 6 months to a year at this point so maybe both opportunities could be a reality before I make it to Ethioipia.
Long story short - would appreciate your thoughts and prayers...wisdom and clarity right now would be a great thing.  Life is very good - and God is still (even when writing this in America!) is still waaayyyy better.


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