Summer time and 'next'...

I love summer...absolutely love it.  July was family reunion time - and oh how much fun it was.  Great to see Aunts, Uncles, cousins, kids of cousins...and even adding another generation of grandkids of cousins!  Crazy but loved it all.  All this took place in the Chicago area and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan - I think I experienced the best weather ever...lots of bugs but weather was surprising...minimum humidity and/or heat.  Woo hoo!

The past two days in Sacramento haven't even made it into the 90's.  That's amazing.  Last week - on the day my poor parents, sisters and nephew moved my stuff from storage to a trailer to haul up to Oregon...106 degrees!  Scary hot.  I didn't know if I was going to make it to my 50th:).  After some 'time outs' from the heat, lots of cold water, ice, swimming and prayer - we all made it.  But it was a bit much.  The next day was my 50th and it was perfect.  Started out with sisters, niece, nephew and friend walking the 5K 'Color Run'.  What a hoot! - we were covered in color, that is for sure.  Two showers and some pool time later - I was fairly presentable to go to the River Cats (Triple A) baseball game.  More family, friends and fun!  Really - it was a perfect day.  Thanks to sooo many people for making the day special - being present, calls, texts, e-mails, cards, FB messages etc was great!

What is next?...glad you asked:).  My nephews Robby and Michael are headed to Mom/Dad's next week to help out and I will be there as well which I'm looking forward to very much!  Then I will be coming back to Sacramento and doing some consulting/contract work for Pacific Coast (previous employer).  That will be for a few weeks off and on and in between those times I will spend a week or so in John Day with Mom and Dad.  I havent yet seen the list of projects from my parents but I hope to be of some help anyway!  Lots to do I'm sure.

Come looks like I will be heading to Budapest.  Bob's boss is the 'Field Strategy Coordinator' for Central Europe - which includes 10 different countries.  He has asked me to come be Field Support...working on processes, finances etc for those 10 countries!  Looks like for a while I will be based in Budapest which also has a place for homeless kids that the church partners with so I hope to be a part of that work as well.  Of course - as I found out last time - plans change so I'm open to whatever and pretty much anywhere - I was asked to committ to a year so we shall see what happens over the year of 2015:).  I know I will be returning to Idaho/California at some point to attend some high school graduations - that will be very good along with a graduation in Budapest!

Ethiopia/Africa is still in my heart but is not working out for now.  I did meet a couple at the church meetings I attended in Tennessee - they run Project Mercy in Ethiopia so that connection may work out - but nothing real quickly so that is okay.  I will continue to see what can open up...maybe after 2015, we shall see.

Either is good, God is waaaay better and I felt like a blog was overdue.  I trust your summer is going well - I see some are already back at school!  Crazy but so it it!  Take care:).


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