Happenings, dreams, hurt, loss and awesomeness...

Oh The Places You’ll Go!  That is a popular graduation gift – it is a Dr. Seuss book, which is funny, and I so enjoy reading it.

‘And when things start to happen,
don’t worry.  Don’t stew.
Just go right along.
You’ll start happening too!’

Yes…it talks about slumps and loneliness along life’s roads which are facts of life but what joy it is to come out of those hard times!  I sent the YouTube link (see below) to my sister Susan and it reminded me of the time she and I were in a musical together – The Sound of Music.  Great fun…she was Maria and I was Mother Superior.  The song Climb Every Mountain has similar (more old school I suppose) words of wisdom:

Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
'Till you find your dream.
A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life
For as long as you live.

I’m not sure why I was pondering these things…I’m not in a slump or lonely but I do love going places and when things start happening going along with it (well..not everything)!  Also the concept of having a dream that will need all the love I can give is great to ponder and I feel that I’m living that out a bit.  I can give more I’m sure – but I’m learning how and what that means so I’m trusting I will go along with that as well!

January 17th I attended a presentation on the Holocaust, as January 27th is the anniversary date of the Auschwitz camp liberation.  Two speakers; one Jewish man that was in a concentration camp until he was 12 years old, and the other speaker’s father was a Nazi/SS prison guard.  Fascinating to hear their stories but the most fascinating was how they came through it – how can you live through that and still have a dream?  And if you still have a dream – how can you give all the love that it will need to have the dream fulfilled and become a reality?   World War II  (and following) is very real to Europeans…Eastern Europeans specifically.  I am not pretending to understand – but reading articles and hearing about events in Ukraine; it makes it a bit more real to this current day.  People are worried, how can borders of countries just be changed and taken over by others?  What is the intent of the Russians?  I have my opinions of course but more than the intent – where is all this leading?  It hurts me – and I keep thinking back to last year being in Ukraine and friends saying ‘we are in a revolution’.  Wow – revolution?  What is that?...I don’t know but they definitely knew.

January 19th of course was Martin Luther King Day in America – and he had a dream!  Many people had and still have that same dream.  Much love and life has been given for that dream.  I am of the belief we have more to go on that road… 

This past week was full – one pretty amazing thing was meeting at a Hungarian K-8 school where we are starting an English club with the 5th/6th and 7th/8th graders soon.  Who set that up?...the mayor of the town!  How amazing!?...He was invited/involved in the Christmas lunch for the community/shelter families so further meetings have taken place and he has asked for this.

On Monday, I got news that a dear friend of mine that had glioblastoma (brain tumors) passed away.  Oh my goodness…that is hard.  I met her in Sacramento but we grew up in Eastern Oregon about 70 miles away from each other!  Small world…she was from Burns, which is our (John Day) ‘rival’ so we always kidded each other about that.  We had many wonderful times and memories together – so I’m trusting time will heal the loss.  It is proving somewhat difficult being so far away.

This past weekend I got a chance to attend a retreat out in a Hungarian Village (Vajta-see side picture) and it was very nice.  Friday night and Saturday was kinda ugly and rainy but Sunday we woke up to a winter wonderland!  So beautiful and it just puts a whole different outlook for me on the weekend.  I enjoyed it all.  We came home to snow here too so it is all still pretty.

I think this is a bit long but it has been a while since I posted so a lot of happenings and thoughts.  I trust you are all well.  Life is good, God is waaaaay better and I believe He is the answer to how we can go through life with dreams intact and the ability to give the love that is needed to make them a reality.   

Much love to all.

ps...youtube link below if you'd like!  


  1. What a wonderful post Carol. So sorry to hear about your friend.


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