Amazing family, snow and emotions!

Parked the car in a snow bank at my sistersJ.  She has some serious snow up here at her house!  She lives ‘up in them thar hills’ outside of Boise, Idaho…and we will have a white Christmas!!  It is beautiful and cold for sure so we’ll see how adventurous I am over the next few days. 

Tanner (#7 nephew) said I should write about family…but I wasn’t sure.  And then it hit me scrolling through my FaceBook...I have a LOT of family!  I know, the story has it that family is who you are born or adopted into…and the family I was born into is AMAZING.  Love, love, love – parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, kids of cousins – AMAZING.  Such greatness.  

But along life’s merry way – there have been other people in my life who have become ‘family’. 

I experienced living overseas that being so far away from my first family…others became family!  My brother’s kids (3 nephews) grew up living in Ukraine – and they used to call other people ‘Aunt’ and ‘Uncle’; it created a twinge in my heart.   Probably not a good twinge…I must admit.  How can they call others Aunt and Uncle – when they are not?  Then I realized…others do and can become AMAZING family!  It’s okay Aunt Carol…simmer down. 

Work family – seriously – spending at the minimum 40 hours a week with people – will make you family or otherwise!  I shared a lot of meals, time and memories with people at work – AMAZING.

Church/prayer family – there is something special about being involved at church and sharing a common belief, faith and prayers with people – it bonds the heart together like no other – AMAZING.

School family – growing up in a (very) small town definitely lends itself to creating some serious family relationships around town – to this day some of those people are very dear to my heart even if I haven’t seen them in a while – AMAZING!

Sports family – those that I play(ed) sports with – during and after school.  I guess sweating and working through to victory with people makes a family bond!  Those coaches too – all AMAZING!

That’s the beauty of family – time can lapse – and the connection is still there.  My heart literally ‘overflows’ with emotion when seeing family by all definitions. So on this snow-filled absolutely beautiful Christmas Eve – I wish ALL my AMAZING FAMILY a very Merry Christmas.  Life is very good…God is waaaaaay better and my heart is overflowing today with emotion for many!  Much love, Carol


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