It's raining blossoms!
It was raining blossoms!
That was one of my moments of joy yesterday ast I stood outside the
school talking with Ildiko. The blossoms
were literally raining down on us; and it brought pure joy to my heart. I have tried to start a new blog several
times this past month but no ‘inspiration’ has come to me…I guess it would be
safe to say that it has been a tough month.
And so it goes – right?
I have loved getting back into working with all the kids at
English club (s), shelter, church and even getting a bit more organized with my
finance work. Also, I had the opportunity to
go to Krakow, Poland for Easter – with my brother and his wife. We had a great time exploring and
experiencing Easter Polish style!
Amazing to see a whole village (Kalwaria Zebrzydowska) and thousands of Polish people go to a
Good Friday service processing through the stations of the cross with drama and
liturgy going on at each - all hiking around the hillside; what a great way for families
to attend! The whole Easter weekend was
then, I Skype with a random person (my financial advisor) and she asks how my
Mom is doing. WOW. Fairly humbling for this kind lady to hear my
tear-filled voice telling her that Mom passed away. And the thing is – I was appreciative that
she asked…you know? And so we both
shared some tears and the conversation was kind of overJ…and onto the next thing in
the day.
how it has been; tough but good. And all
I can think of is that I so want to learn and grow through this. I want to honor God in my work, attitude and
life – is that happening? I don’t know –
others lose parents/family members and it all seems to go on smoothly. Or does it?
Perhaps I just see them in the moments when they have just left the
place where blossoms were raining down on them instead of the tears quickly
coming and going.
This post will be fairly short but I must say that I still firmly believe that life is good and God is
waaaaaay better; perhaps it is all felt at a more profound level now. May
we all have more days where blossoms rain down on us…and yes, even mix in tears
now and then. My God is with me through it all.
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