Thank you

Yes, I understand that this time of year everybody seems to say that they are thankful. I am. Truly, I am thankful. For life, a warm (or cool) house to live in, friends that care, family that bugs me (!)and at the same time are very good to me and the ability and freedom I even have to write this. Thank you to those in my life, past, present, little, lots…thank you! You are treasures. When I was 20 I was diagnosed with ankylosis spondylitis. Sounds crazy right? It’s arthritis…specifically tied to the HLA-B27 gene. Of which, my Dad also has. 6-8% of the population has this…I’m lucky like that. It has taught me a lot actually. Pain management, empathy for others who move slowly or painfully and a reliance on God. He walks with me in this, definitely thankful for that. So when I was 20…I remember saying ‘if I feel like this now, what will I feel like in my 50’s?!!’ Apparently in my mind, arthritis was a thing all 5...