I'm encouraged :)

Life is very good and God is waaaay better!
1.     You know what?  I’m encouraged – after spending 10 days in Belgrade and meeting young people (20’s and 30’s) from all around the world – literally – that come there to volunteer, work and whatever else.  They work very hard!  I hear so much about how these ‘millenials’ don’t have a good work ethic or are lazy etc.  Could be true…but once again…that is a generalization.  I’m not a fan of that because there really ARE good ones out there!  I’m encouraged.
2.     Easter week – not exactly my normal Easter week but I am enjoying it.  The trees are not budding, flowers are not blooming, and I don’t have Easter decorations around my house.  And yet – I am enjoying each day and moment.  I have not been at my house in two weeks; instead I’ve been in Belgrade, which I consider a bit more ‘raw’ than Budapest.  I’m quite thankful – I didn’t lose a phone on this trip (2 lost/stolen there last year) and the people I got to know really did touch my life.  It was an amazing experience I would say – so maybe no trees budding but lots of relationships budding and the work in Belgrade is definitely coming into bloom!
3.     I had the most awesome ‘suite’/room mates in Belgrade…thank you Katie and Andi!  When you are old enough to be their mom but stay up each night talking and laughing – that makes me happyJ.

Happy Easter to you all!

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