Macchiatos and some factoids :)
I looooovvvveee the macchiatos here in Ethiopia. We have been in country for about what - about 36 hours (?) and already had 4 of them! And no - they were not from Starbucks - I did see a few of those in Frankfurt but no Starbucks here in Ethiopia :).
Ethiopia - population approx. 80 million people. The country is about the size of Texas.
Addis - population approx 3 milion is at 8,500 feet in elevation. Really quite pretty and fairly clean as well. Their cars and trucks do not pass any emission tests so the pollution from that is kinda nasty but oh well! They just had a big 50 year celebration of the African Union so some new roads were put in and the city was 'spruced' up. It looks nice. It is the rainy season here now so it is muddy to walk around but the weather is not hot and for that I am thankful! I actually wore my light fleece jacket - woo hoo!
SIM card purchased today - so that is kind of nice...called my Mom and Dad. Trying to set it up as a hotspot but very slow so not sure how well that will work. Speaking of purchasing things...hmmmm the exchange rate is 18.6 birr to 1 US Dollar. So...when they tell me that something is 200 freaks me out thinking that is a lot but that is $10.64. That's not bad!
Leave it to you to waste no time discovering Ethiopian macchiatos! Sounds like so far so good there...