
That is 'hello' in Amharic...I can handle that one :).  Amasaganallo = thank you...I have that one down too.  I'm sure there will be more - I have a lot of notes in my previous journals so I need to review again.
It is Saturday night and I was listening to the rain, lightning, thunder and then it turned into hail!  It was amazing and all I could think of was...the roofs are going to be ruined and this would be good business for Pacific Supply!  Sad....but I guess 27 years in the building industry kind of does that to me:).  Alas, metal roofs  for the most part here in Addis so the rain/hail is loud but damage will probably be minimal.  In the countryside where there are more of the grass hut type of houses; definitely getting wet there.
Today was graduation day!!....very nice ceremony and we were ushered right to the front considered to be 'special guests'.  Kind of embarrassing but on the other hand - kind of nice.  They turned a ceiling fan on for us and gave us water.  WOW...very nice. The people were packed in there for sure.   Seminary graduation - included graduates of Theology, music, leadership and development.  Interesting mix and this year was the first time they had graduates at the Masters level (Theology).  Tesfaye and Andinet (from Maasha) both got their bachelor's in Theology....very good!  14 of us went to 'Lucy's' for dinner afterwards and that was really nice.  If you come to Ethiopia - I will take you to that restaurant...let's see - about 80 birr for stir fry vegetables and rice.  80 birr divided by 18 = about $4!  Not a bad deal...oh - plus a macchiato for dessert which is about .35 cents.
Art is not feeling well so we will stay in Addis another day...hopefully he will feel better to travel.  It will take two days to get to Maasha and I can't wait!  So ready to be there and in a smaller town etc.  And ready to see more familiar faces - from teaching English 6 years ago...many students and Anduelum who assisted us in teaching and is now the principal at the school.
Dunowun (goodbye). :)
PS - it is now Monday morning but it seems to be the best time to get on this website to post!  Sorry for the old news - Art went to the doctor and got some meds so we hope to leave Tuesday now.  


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