Hungarian - nem tu dom (mostly)!

Ertem is Hungarian for I understand.
Tu dom is Hungarian for I know. 
Nem tu dom is Hungarian for I don’t know.

--Nem tu dom what this year will bring…is that good?  Is that bad?  I really am in quite a state of ‘unknown’. 
--Nem tu dom what my ‘normal’ day looks like.  I actually anticipate no two will look alike!  Each day will bring new people, challenges, blessings, work to accomplish and things to enjoy!  I will find out soon enough as this week starts the ‘normal’ work routine.
--Nem tu dom when I will be going to Poznan, Poland.  Which in itself is probably okay but now that I’m on this side of the ocean; I feel so close and am very anxious to see the wonderful people…and enjoy the Sweet Surrender coffee shop again.  Maybe because it is now part of my ‘comfort zone’?  Nem tu dom but I look forward to being there sometime soon.
--Nem tu dom much obviouslyJ!  Tu dom that life is moving along – my family in Oregon and Idaho had a great Christmas and their lives are also getting back to their normal routine soon.  School and work is winding back up!  It has been great to see and communicate in various forms with them over these past couple of weeks. 
--Tu dom that life is good.  Holidays are good to gather, share, laugh, love and yet for some it is a difficult time.  I think of that often as I have some friends that holidays are not their favorite time.  Nem tu dom how to respond to that except to share, laugh and love with them more!  Because for me holidays are amazing – I suppose we all have our ‘limit’ which ertem but I cannot help but be very thankful for how our God is waaaaay better than anything else in life and that makes the holidays a special time to gather, share laugh and bask in His love!

--Tu dom I am thankful for you...enjoy your last hours/days of this season and may you start back to school/work etc with a renewed sense of joy.


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