Rain and driving observations

Yep – it’s raining here in the Portland area!  SurpriseJ, sure makes it pretty.  I’ve got a good week going - happy Wednesday!

Did you know…
1.     Stop lights – in Europe a yellow light shows before it turns red AND green.  It is still shocking when I see a light go from red to green….GO!
2.     Distance signs – Read from top to bottom or bottom to top?   In Hungary, the closest city/town is listed at the bottom going to the furthest city/town on the top.  Here? – Closest city/town is on top going to the furthest city/town at the bottom.
3.     I don’t think I’ve ever seen a carpool lane in Hungary…
4.     I have not taken public transport since I’ve been in the US...strange for me:)
5.    Life is good, God is better.

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